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What I desire here. Don't care for ney sayers either.
張貼於:2024年 3月 10日 3:20 pm
最近編輯過:2024年 3月 17日 4:27 am
1120 瀏覽
I am a mature non switching bottom piece of flesh seeking only MATURE MASCULINE MALE who is a pure deviate that needs a play thing around to exploit and use with his father or grandfather as desired

Due to curious boy might be around in the vicinity, They keep my naked body locked in restraints and other items attached to a chastity belt in which encases my private areas under lock and keys The boy is always warned about not saying anything to anyone ever or else.

They use me in demo session for teaching and private events with other mature male deviates from time to time but, all always dresses in fetish gear from head to feet when there.

I have no interest in men out of shape, drink, use drugs or smoke. Skin tones must be light too.

1 留言
My remedy for ongoing issues here:
張貼於:2024年 3月 24日 5:06 am
最近編輯過:2024年 3月 26日 5:08 am
521 瀏覽

Since there are obviously too many time wasters on here, I require all who attempt to connect with to do one thing that FAKES and BOTS can't. It is something that is strange and unusual for most here, if not all. It is a basic educational skill provided starting in grade school: READING. I provided my details in various ways on here even for free members too. No excuses, right?

I have a PROFILE, BLOG and GROUP entries posted on here. So, if anyone comes to my messenger window found a being clueless, remaining silent and anonymous too, I will automatically consider them as an incompatible type, a BOT or a FAKE. Guess what will transpire. I will, 1st time, simply RELOAD it. After that, I will permanently BAN and BLOCK repeat offenders.
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張貼於:2024年 3月 16日 5:18 am
最近編輯過:2024年 3月 17日 4:25 am
736 瀏覽

Sad, the next generations are suppose to better than those gone by but, evidence exposes this is not true at all. Somewhere along the line people are not being able to grasp the techniques on being civilized by maintaining self control and using their words. Stronger family units would be nice if they existed in the first place. These people should realize that they don't only represent themselves out in public. They also represent their families and heritages too.
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